Ranger Paint Dabbers – We have them in all 36 colors! These cute little tubes of acrylic paint are SO EASY to use. You can “ink” stamps with them, apply paint to blank chipboard, and create all kinds of other artistic effects on paper – and all without mess or the need of a brush. These are just a few techniques you can do with these dabbers:
1 – streaked the edges of a paper with a dabber after painting and stamping the paper with other colors of the new ranger paint
2 – took a black piece of mat board and embossed a design on it with clear embossing powder. Then painted over the surface with a cream dabber and wiped excess paint off to create a “shabby chic” look.
3 – applied to the new Ranger Crackle medium
4 – plaid stripes on paper
5 – dots and dabs on paper
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